Proclamation Request Form

Proclamations are ceremonial documents signed by the Mayor and issued to organizations located in or serving the population of the Town of Innisfil. Please review the following guidelines before submitting a request.

Acceptable requests

The Clerk has delegated authority to process and have the Mayor sign proclamations for the following:

  • Arts & cultural celebrations
  • Charitable awareness/fundraising campaigns
  • Public awareness campaigns and civic promotions
  • Honour individuals, institutions, or businesses

The Town is unable to issue proclamations for:

  • Political parties or political organizations
  • Religious organizations or the celebration of religious events
  • Where intent is contrary to Town policies or by-law
  • Where proclamation may result in the defamation or slandering
  • Where the organization has no direct relationship to the Town

Requesting a proclamation

When requesting a proclamation, please be aware of the following:

  • Requests should be made by recognized charitable organizations or community groups
  • Proclamations will not be issued on behalf of commercial/for-profit entities
  • Organizations may only request one proclamation per year
  • Requests must be made on an annual basis, four to six weeks in advance of the commemoration/event
  • Wording of proclamations is to be supplied by the requesting organization
  • First-time requests should be accompanied by background information about the organization and the history of the commemoration/event
  • Proclamations will be posted on the Town website

Flag raisings

An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation and/or flag raising. Multiple flag raisings may be held jointly. When requesting a flag raising, please be aware of the following:

  • Flag raisings must be held in conjunction with an approved proclamation
  • Organizations must indicate a preferred and an alternate date and time for the flag raising
  • An appropriate flag must be provided by the organization, and can be stored by the Town after the flag-raising period. Organizations are responsible for replacing flags
  • One or more members of Town Council may attend the flag raising and the Mayor or designate will read the proclamation
  • If additional activities are planned (speeches, refreshments, etc.) an agenda must be provided at least four weeks in advance and the entire event may not exceed one hour
  • Council attendance of post-flag raising activities is dependent on individual schedules